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Our Congregation


On April 30, 1978 the groundbreaking for the construction of a building for the Bridgeport Church of Christ was held at the corner of Center Street and Philadelphia Ave. The congregation first met in the building on April 22, 1979. The dedication was held on October 14, establishing the first Church of Christ in Bridgeport, WV.

After 30 years the Bridgeport congregation continues to meet at the corner of Philadelphia Ave. and Center St. with an average Sunday attendance of 110. Consistent numerical and spiritual growth of the Bridgeport congregation can be attributed to the steadfast and sound preaching of the word of God.

If you are ever in the Bridgeport area, we would love to have you visit and worship with us. I can assure you that you will receive a warm and friendly welcome.











The Bridgeport Church of Christ strives to involve as many members as possible in the ministry. The congregation has developed a broad range of programs that utilize the many talents of the members.



-Personal Evangelism

-Sermon Recordings

-Bible Correspondence Course

-Worship Attendence

-One Day Lectureship

-Friends & Family Day

-Youth Speaking to Youth

-Fall Gospel Meeting



-Bo Bo Bears

-Food Pantry

-Personal Assistance

-Congregational Support

-WV School of Preaching

-Christian Courier



-Tuesday Morning Breakfast

-Building/Grounds Maintanence

-Literature Supplies

-Worship Duties

-Youth Group



-Congregational Bible Bowl

-Ladies Bible Class

-Vacation Bible School


-Song Leading Class

-Lads To Leaders


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